Final rule
Bachground より
This final rule requires certificated repair stations located outside theterritory of the United States (U.S.) whose employees perform safety-sensitivemaintenance functions on certain air carrier aircraft to conduct alcohol and controlledsubstance testing in a manner acceptable to the Administrator and consistent with the applicable laws of the country in which the repair station is located. The final rule directsthe repair station to comply with the requirements of the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program published by the FAA and the Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug Testing Programs published by the Department of Transportation, as proposed. However, this final rule also allows foreign governments, on behalf of certificated repair stations within their territories, and individual foreign repair stations subject to the rule to obtainthe Administrator’s recognition of a compatible alternative that contains minimum criteria in lieu of compliance with certain components of the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program.
どうなるのかなあ? 日本の整備従事者向け アルコール規制・・。
現行 米国 ODAPCの規制