26%... Propotion of death by DUI in Canada is very high
TIRF released a traffice safety report involving Drink and Driving.

This paper is reporting fact of DUI in 2023 as follows....
○391 Canadians were killed in an impaired driving crash, accounting for26.5% of all fatal road crashes in 2021.
○5.8% of drivers admitted driving when they thought they were over the legal limit which is a significant decrease from 10.5% in 2022.
○46.4% of respondents who drove when they thought they were over the legal limit did most of their drinking at their home.
One-third (36.7%) of drinking drivers did most of their drinking alone and 22.9% drank with a partner or family.
○Female respondents were 51.3% less likely to report driving after consuming any amount of alcohol compared to males.
Actually numbers of death by dui has been decreasing like this.

However propotion of death by dui had not been changed !

This fact means that some group of people have bad drinking behaivior at any periodo.

And Drinking situation that cause driving , worst one is "at home" .
Can we find something new from Canadian peoples's drinking life ?