Driver Shortage
IRU が 世界各地のトラックドライバー不足のレポートを公表しています。
Driver Shortage Global Report 2022
サーベイ対象は、United Sates, Mexico, Argentina, Europe (Spain, Italy, France, UK, Ireland, Germany, Poland, Romania, Belgium, Netherlands), Eurasia (Russia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine), Turkey, Iran, China.

2.6 million
Over2.6 million truck driver jobs were unfilled in 2021 in surveyed countries , and the shortage is set to soar in 2022.
Truck driver shortage has increased in 2021 in all regions surveyed except Eurasia. It was most acute in Eurasia and Turkey, where 18% and 15% of driver positions were, respectively, unfilled in 2021. Mexico and Argentina were the least affected with 8.6 % of truck driver positions unfilled.
3% Gender representation
Across all regions analysed, less than3% of truck drivers are women, except in China (5%) and the United States(8%).
The trucking industry is lagging behindthe overall transportation industry interms of women representation, even if
the latter is also struggling to attract women employees.

7% Age distribution
Theproportion of people below 25 years old in the truck driver population remains low across almost all regions (less than 7Mexico and China are the only exceptions, where 19 % and 17 % of young truck drivers are below 25 years old, respectively.

The lack of skilled truck drivers: a key factor of driver shortage.
As was the case in 2020, operators from allregions/countries surveyed (except Turkey and China still consider the lack of skilled drivers to be the most important reason explaining the shortage of drivers affecting them.
On the other hand, when asked about the most needed measures in order to address the shortage and attract more people to the profession, operators agree that measures aimed at improving working conditions for drivers should be prioritised : investments in more parking infrastructure, better treatment of drivers at delivery sites (toilets available for driver use, low waiting times/flexible delivery timing, no loading and unloading to be performed by the driver…) and at
roadside checks, are some of the key measures mentioned.
Turkey and Argentina are the two exceptions: for Turkish companies, the main action to take is to reducethe minimum age to access the truck driver profession (currently 21 years old), while in Argentina, facilitation of access to professional training is considered the main priority.
Operators also prioritise facilitating access to professional training ( i.e by subsidising /reducing the cost of the training and driver license) and promoting the image of the profession.
Bus& coach driver shortage
7% of bus and coach driver jobs were unfilled in 2021 in surveyed countries.
Increasing bus and coach driver shortages as demand recovers.
In Europe, bus and coach driver shortage is steadily increasing, but is still expected to remain far from pre pandemic levels in 2022.
It increased from 5% to 7% in 2021, and is expected to further increase to 8 % in 2022 . This is the result of increased demand expected for 2022 as mobility restrictions ease, and the decrease of existing drivers due to:
•Bus and coach drivers changing profession as the activity lost in the pandemic will not return•Less young drivers being trained and accessing the profession, because of low activity, restrictions limiting training capacity, and attractiveness of the profession
•Retiring old drivers who are not replaced with newentrants