What do Elite professional drivers team serve for? - from ATA topics-
A topic about american truck driver team made me interested so much.

When I saw this topic , this concept of Elite " professional truck drivers " broutht to me "Professional Driver contest " held by JTA (japan trucking association) .
Driver contest that comete their skil for each other is a kind of campaign for trucking industry and to having their pride for working on this industry.
America's Road team is doing some activities each month that attending industry event and speaking at schook, meeting with policy makers..
I found that champions(elite?) of pfofessinal driver contest in Japan doing activities like speaking at school, meeting with policy makers every month??
Look at " 2024 issue of truckin indusry" , had we found that professinal driver team attended meeting with policy makers?
America's Road Team
Have you heard real voices of professional(ordinary) drivers in Japan not like Chaiman or CEO of truckig company?
Only CEO or Exectives are speaking at school, are'nt they?