DOT Random testing rates in 2025
DOT has announced drug and alcohol random testing rates in 2025.

For example, "The FAA has determined that the minimum random drug and alcohol testing percentage rates for the period January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025, will remain at 25 percent of safety-sensitive employees for random "
Like above rule for aviation, also truck driver , bus driver , railroad mechanic and maintennce employee, others that relevant with high-safety-sensitive work in goods transportation and passenger transportation.
"Random" means that US DOT dose not have " mandate testing" for all employee working on safety-sensitiveor pilot or operator like Japanese MLIT 国土交通省.
For instans, air craft pilots of Japanese Air Carrieer company are regulated they must take breath samples at every flight, that means " 100% testing rates" is normal. If someone who are goint to put into flight missed alcohol testing before his flight air company has to report 航空局 this insident.
Meanwhile FAA's random testing rates is "10%" ! When we talk about Alcohol testing rule in Aviation, we cannot say those rules between US and Japan are completely similar, possibly say that rules are influenced by social and cultural factors. This would be interesting!