”Driver shortage" and "Parking shortage” are global issue...

Let's take a look to other countries' issues in transportation indusry.
We know that MLIT and JTA are doing campaign kind of " Driver shortage issue expected 2024" and "Parking space shortage in highway"
However, those kind of issues look like "not Japan specific issues".
IRU reported Truck driver shortages 2023

This report is saying briefly that..
- Over 3 million truck driver positions are currently unfilled in 36 countries studied
- Driver shortages are forecast to double in 5 years
- Only 12% of drivers are below 25, just 6% are women
This report also pointed out "cost problem" to become a professinal driver who can operate heavy vechle. They suggest subidies is necessary for becoming a professional driver for young peaple.
And we can find option that third country drivers which is said in Japan " 外国人 driver" will be spread in most of countries. Senior or woman driver is now not hopeful because of abslutely shortage, already not option for fulfill demanded transportations.

You can get exective summary here .
ATA warning nation wid parking shortage for driver
ATA( American Trucking Association) announced parking shortage issue which has been seriously reported many times at this web-site. A President of IOWA trcuking association warned at Congress that lawmakers should take strong action for this issue and at congress.
She is saying that lack of parking made directly unsafety for drivers and parking users around.
And if driver can not find parking space they will not take a rest minimum" toilet time".
This is not normal and wasting time and money because it estetimate 56 minute for finding parking space.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said,
"that’s because it’s a life and death issue.”
DOT japan is now preparing some action?
We in Japan have same kind of issue , "parking space for truck" especially known as cased by " midnight time zone discount " .

Some fatalities had been caused by " Parking space shortage" for this 2,3 years, prompt action is needed but policy makers had not planned better solution yet, because this is kind of road construction so it will not achieved soon.
I think driver shortage suggests labor market drifting between indusries. .